Everyone is welcome to drop in to St Mary's on Mondays from 10.30am to 12.30pm.Hot Drinks AvailableMeet New PeopleKeep Warms and Safe St Mary's Warm Space is supported by Liverpool City Council.
We hope everyone who attended one of our Christmas services in 2024 enjoyed the experience. We hope you found comfort, joy, fellowship and a warm welcome.We hope you will be able to join us for the services and events throughout the year. All our services make provision for children and young people from primary age upwards. See the details of the dates and times of the Worship services in the "News and notices" or just ask us.Why not begin or continue your journey of faith and fellowship at one of our regular weekly services each Sunday at 10.30am. In addition, special events and occasions are announced in our Facebook page - follow the link here St MarysWavertree How about the Alpha Course? See the entries about Alpha with details of when a course is running and how to join in.We can do nothing within and for our community without the support of our congregation and donors and we are forever grateful for the generosity of all those who give of their time, commitment, skills and money to ensure St Mary’s remains a viable, welcoming, and supportive place.If you can and feel able to do so, please consider supporting us by your prayers, by attending a service or by making a cash donation which will be most gratefully received. If you wish to make a cash donation towards the costs of our work, you can use this link – Donate to St MarysIf you feel you can help in practical ways, why not contact the Churchwardens by an email to info@stmw.org.uk or drop in on a Sunday morning to chat.If you attend or plan to attend regularly and decide, as a consequence, that you can make an ongoing financial commitment to support our work, you may wish to consider joining the Parish Giving Scheme, to give regularly. Taxpayers can choose to Gift Aid their giving, to increase its value at no extra cost to them. More information about the Parish Giving Scheme and how to sign up can be found here at this link Parish Giving Scheme or drop in on a Sunday morning.