The nation and the world have been deeply moved by yesterday's atrocity in Southport. We hold every child, every family and friend, all the emergency responders and the Southport community in our thoughts and prayers.

It can be difficult to know what to pray in these times of deep sorrow. Perhaps the following words might be of some help.

Heavenly Father, be our light in the deepest darkness of this tragedy. We bring to you all those who have been affected. We ask you to be with the parents of six-year old Bebe, seven year old Elsie Dot and nine year old Alice; ease their suffering, hold them close in their grief and disbelief. We pray for recovery for the other children who were injured, asking for wisdom and skill for their surgeons and medical staff as they treat these precious children.

We lift to you the adults who were hurt defending these little ones. Lord, grant to the suffering relief; heal their wounds and restore them to strength and wellness by your mighty power, mercy and grace.

We thank you for the work of the first responders; help them to recover from the shock of all that they saw and had to deal with. May they find peace in the midst of their turmoil, solace when their thoughts overwhelm them.

And we hold before you all who have been affected by these catastrophic events, whether directly or indirectly, whether closely involved or distant. Reassure all parents and children of their safety.

Finally, Lord, we ask that you bring your peace and calm into the centre of the rising anger; build peace in the face of calls for retribution, calm into every furious heart. May Monday's horror build community and harmony, not destroy it. Lord, hear our heartfelt prayers and let our cries rise up to you. 
