Church Gardens Welcome The Spring

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After the long. cold and wet months of winter, we could all do with a little colour and light. So it was a delight to see the spring bulbs – planted last year after donations were received from congregation members in memory of loved ones – pushing up their heads and bursting into flower and fragrance. We had planted the usual suspects: daffodils and tulips; but we also had a good show of chionodoxa, grape hyacinths and snowdrops. The bulbs planted in the previous year also made a repeat appearance, and the yellows, pinks and whites brought a much-needed cheer to this area. Passers-by comment frequently on the pleasure they get from this garden – which is exactly what we had hoped for!

We are now advertising our Garden Club via a banner on the church railings: this is part of our ongoing ministry to improve the mental and physical well-being of our community. We meet on the second Saturday of each month (with a pause for the depths of winter). This year, we are introducing a new venture: when wet Saturdays make work in the gardens impossible, we will meet in church to do garden-related crafts and activities. We also hope to offer tea, coffee and biscuits to our green-fingered participants. 

If you’re looking for something to get you out in the fresh air, meeting people and feeling good about yourself, why not join us at 10am each second Saturday?