Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday - Ashing at the Altar

for 2 hours
St Michael-in-the-Hamlet
St Michael's Church Road Liverpool England, L17 7BD, United Kingdom

From 6.00pm people are invited to receive an ash cross on the forehead from ashes from the previous year's palm crosses. This is not a full service but an opportunity unity for people to note the beginning of Lent and may stay for private prayer or leave as you wish.

St Michael-in-the-Hamlet

Get in touch

Rev Keith Hitchman

St Michael's Vicarage,
St Michael's Church Road,
Liverpool L17 7BD

Our website

What's on

Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday - Ashing at the Altar

for 2 hours
St Michael-in-the-Hamlet
St Michael's Church Road Liverpool England, L17 7BD, United Kingdom

From 6.00pm people are invited to receive an ash cross on the forehead from ashes from the previous year's palm crosses. This is not a full service but an opportunity unity for people to note the beginning of Lent and may stay for private prayer or leave as you wish.

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