Facilities and features
Two toilets including an assessible toilet (from Easter 2025)
No parking on site, but on-street parking usually available.
Some large print books are available - please ask.
Our Building
The Church is grade 1 listed, and is in the top 100 Churches in Simon Jenkins 1000 best churches in England. The red brick exterior does not prepare the visitor for the interior. Come and see.
Music and Worship
We have an electronic organ, which many organists who normally refuse to play electronic organs, have been surprised at the quality.
Evensong on forth Sunday of every month
We have a regular robed choir enhanced by Choral Scholars from Liverpool University and occasional liturgical singers.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Help for Visitors
On request
A free guide book is available (donations gratefully received)
At present, in the absence of a vicar, the church is only open for services and by special arrangement. We hope to be able to open the church at least once a week (more days if possible) principally for private prayer, but visitors wishing to look around the church will be welcome. Further details will appear on our website, as things progress.
Other Features
We are close to the Sefton Park conservation area, Liverpool's largest park which opened to the public in 1872.