Start Course
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- Holy Trinity
- Address Rosemary Lane Formby, L37 3HA, United Kingdom
God, Jesus, and the Journey of life in six sessions - Do you or someone you know have questions about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Are you new to church and/or faith and want to learn more? Are you wondering what it's all about?
If so, why not join us on the Start course. Start is a 6 week course beginning on Sunday, 1st December 2024 and will be held in church after the joint service held at 10.30am. Refreshments will be provided. Each session lasts for about an 1-1.5 hours and involves video clips, exercises, group discussion and time for reflection. It's free to attend.
Week 1 - Life is for Living (1st Dec)
Week 2 -Oh my God! (8th Dec)
Week 3 -Jesus who? (15th Dec)
Week 4 -What’s gone wrong? (22nd Dec)
Week 5 -Dying to save us (TBC)
Week 6 -Into the arms of love (TBC)
To sign up or for further information please contact the church office ([email protected] 01704 878913) or speak to Rev Julie or Vicky Sime.