These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Tuesday Lent Course

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Holy Trinity
Rosemary Lane Formby, L37 3HA, United Kingdom

Rev Paul Ellis will be leading this year’s Lent reflections in Holy Trinity Church Formby. ‘The Season of Love’ The reflections will follow the ancient Pilgrim’s way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain - the Camino! And over a four-week journey with four pilgrims in the movie ‘The Way’ We will reflect on their emerging journey stories and indeed our own. This is a beautiful film with surprises.

Lent Course dates are
Tuesdays at 7.30pm 11th March,18th March ,1st April, 8th April [25th March is Fit for Mission Event]

You only need to attend one of the dates on a Tuesday or Wednesday, but you can mix and match if you can’t make one of the dates. Please speak to Paul if you have any questions

Alternative time on Wednesdays

Wednesday Lent Course

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity, Rosemary Lane Formby, L37 3HA, United Kingdom

Rev Paul Ellis will be leading this year’s Lent reflections in Holy Trinity Church Formby. ‘The Season of Love’ The reflections will follow the ancient Pilgrim’s way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain - the Camino! And over a four-week journey with four pilgrims in the movie ‘The Way’ We will reflect on their emerging journey stories and indeed our own. This is a beautiful film with surprises.

Lent Course dates are
Wednesdays at 10am {Before the 11 .00am Holy Communion Service}
12th March,19th March, 26th March, 2nd April, 9th April

You only need to attend one of the dates on a Tuesday or Wednesday, but you can mix and match if you can’t make one of the dates. Please speak to Paul if you have any questions

Alternative time on Tuesdays

Good Friday: An hour at the cross

for 1 hour
St Michael and All Angels
St Michael and All Angels, Lord Sefton Way, Altcar, Liverpool, L37 5AA, United Kingdom

This is an hour long reflective and thought provoking service held at St Michael and All angels, Altcar. During the service the story of Jesus' last hour is told through bible readings, acts of worship, drama and hymns. Please do join us for this solemn and poignant service.

Whole Church Easter Service with Communion at 10.30am.

for 1 hour
Holy Trinity
Rosemary Lane Formby, L37 3HA, United Kingdom

Join us to celebrate the risen Christ! This is a lively all age service with songs, prayer and a short talk. Everyone welcome.