Prayer Harmony June 2024

A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1
As we celebrate Father’s Day, we give thanks for all the father figures in our lives, who have guided and helped us. We pray for all the young fathers in our congregation, who are bringing up their children to love and serve Jesus, and for all the grandfathers who have such a great influence on the next generation.

We pray for all those taking important exams at this time, that they may know the presence of God and His peace, realising that although they may seem vital, they are only one step on life’s road.

We pray for all who are stepping out into service of God through ordination. We pray for their families, whose lives will change tremendously. We ask for blessing for the churches which they will complete their training in.

We pray for all the farmers at this critical time of growing. We give thanks for all those who care for livestock, the shepherds and herdsmen, the vets and stable lads. We ask for God’s blessing on all the farming community in Altcar and surrounding districts, for a good summer and harvest.

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’ Genesis 8:22