Mark Writes

“we need to be confident in the story - which is our story - that the scriptures tell.” Bishop John.
Bishop John has again given us a summer bible reading challenge and it’s a big one: to read the entire bible over the summer period.

I’m under no illusion that we’ll get everyone doing this, but I’m praying some of you just might give it a go, and, since the bible reading challenge began, at Holy Trinity and St Michael’s, we’ve adapted our summer preaching series to complement the challenge and we’re not going to duck out now. So, seven Sundays, from the 21st of July to the 1st of September to tell the Story to which all other stories point.

To help us the bishop will guide us in our reading utilizing the “Rule of Life” website. He writes, “strong biblical knowledge is expected of all disciples and we need to be confident in the story - which is our story - that the scriptures tell. We tend to be timid when we approach the bible daunted by the challenge it poses in our heads but we don’t need to be. So join me this summer as together we read this marvelous book and unlock the many treasures we find within it.”

For the seven weeks we’ll be merging our services at Holy Trinity, with refreshments from 10.00am the service will begin at 11 with opportunities to ask some hard questions over the summer..

On Saturday the 13th July you are warmly invited to St Michael & All Angel’s summer fayre from 2-4pm, and the following Saturday (20th) we will be opening Holy Trinity for a welcome day from 11am -2pm
Do think about who could join you.

I’m really excited too that we will be again running the good news holiday club 50 years after its original inception; from 19th to 23rd August daily 10am- 11.59am for KS1 & KS2 children – More information to follow in the August Newsletter.

Holiday at Home is again running 5th to the `7th of August. See Details in Coming up in August below for Holy Trinity hosting day.