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Lent Services

for 45 days, 9 hours, 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels
Lord Sefton Way Altcar, L37 5AA, United Kingdom

We are joined together with Holy Trinity, Formby, so some of our services are shared with them. You would be welcome either there at the Church in the town, or with us at the Church in the countryside.
Ash Wednesday 5th March
10am St. Michael’s, Altcar.
11am Holy Trinity, Formby
7:30pm St. Luke’s Formby

Sundays/ Wednesdays in Lent
Usual pattern of Services, so
9:30am St. Michael’s, Altcar on Sundays
10 am St. Michael’s, Altcar on Wednesdays
And remember that Mothering Sunday is on 30th March

Holy Week
Palm Sunday 13th April 9:30am St. Michael’s, Altcar
Maundy Thursday 17th April 6pm St. Michael’s Altcar
7pm Holy Trinity, Formby
Good Friday 18th April 10am Holy Trinity, Formby
2pm St. Michael’s, Altcar
Easter Eve (Saturday) 19th April 6:30pm Easter Vigil St. Michael’s, Altcar
Not strictly Lent, but

Easter Day 20th April 9:30am St. Michael’s, Altcar

Parish Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels
Lord Sefton Way Altcar, L37 5AA, United Kingdom

Our main weekly communion service (coffee afterwards)

Midweek Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Michael & All Angels
Lord Sefton Way Altcar, L37 5AA, United Kingdom

A short service following common worship