
Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Sefton Parish Church
Bridges Lane Sefton Liverpool, L29 7WG, United Kingdom

We welcome all baptisms of children or adults. Baptism is an outward sign of us expressing a belief in the God who loves us, it is a sign of belonging to God’s family and it is a beginning to get to know more about God.

Our service of baptism is held during our morning service (11am) on the 4th Sunday of the month. There is no charge for the service but we always welcome a donation on the collection plate.

Sefton Parish Church


We take your digital privacy and safety seriously, this is the official website for St Helen, Sefton. 

If you wish to contact us, please use CONTACT DETAILS AT SEFTON CHURCH. 

"Harvesting God's Love at the Cathedral of the Fields"

Sefton Church is dedicated to St Helen and has been a place of continuous Christian worship for more than 850 years. It is one of the oldest Christian sites on Merseyside and is one of only two Grade I listed buildings in the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton.

If you have never visited Sefton Church we hope you can do so soon. Sefton Parish Church received 3 stars in Simon Jenkins book ‘England’s Thousand Best Churches’ in which he describes Sefton as ‘more than an oasis.’ While you marvel at this glorious building may you also catch a glimpse of the Glory of God and be renewed in body, mind and spirit.

Today Sefton continues to be a living centre of Christian worship and we aim to be an inclusive church where everyone can feel respected and at home. A warm welcome awaits you and we hope that this website will encourage you to come and visit us.

Get in touch

Rev Ali Chesworth

Sefton Parish Church
Bridges Lane

L29 7WG
Rev Ali Chesworth - Team Vicar
07826 602361
What's on


Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Sefton Parish Church
Bridges Lane Sefton Liverpool, L29 7WG, United Kingdom

We welcome all baptisms of children or adults. Baptism is an outward sign of us expressing a belief in the God who loves us, it is a sign of belonging to God’s family and it is a beginning to get to know more about God.

Our service of baptism is held during our morning service (11am) on the 4th Sunday of the month. There is no charge for the service but we always welcome a donation on the collection plate.


Sefton Church takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust proceduresand guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at

If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at

The Liverpool Diocese Team are:

Andy Holmes, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - 07940378139 or email [email protected]

Mick Murphy, Deputy Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - 07376 431466 or email [email protected]

Karen Williams, Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor - 07946 189061 or email [email protected]

Debbie Doran, Safeguarding Support. - 0151 705 2124 Hours of Work Tues and Weds 8.30am-5.30pm or email [email protected]

If you wish to report any safeguarding concerns directly to the National Safeguarding Team please email - [email protected]

Our Safeguarding Officer at Sefton Church is Mr Peter Dalton.

Sefton Church PCC makes sure that the way our groups work with children and adults will keep them safe and will not place them at an unacceptable risk of harm. We do this through:

•establishing, implementing and following good safeguarding policies and procedures including safe recruitment;

•ensuring all staff and volunteers are aware of and follow the organisation’s safeguarding policies and procedures;

•ensuring that all staff and volunteers receive safeguarding training.