Holy Communion, Common Worship order 2

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

In Holy Week & on Ascension Day the service is transferred to Thursday.

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

A traditional Common Worship Communion Service accompanied by hymns lead by the Organ.

Children's/Youth Groups

Every Sunday at
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

Discoverers (age 3 to 6) meet in the Tinne Family Room in the church during the Sunday 11am service. Explorers (age 7 to 11) and SAYU (age 12 to 16). Our all Age service starts at 11am with everyone gathered together, before the children leave after 20 minutes to go to their age appropriate groups where they can continue to learn about Jesus and continue to make new friends.

[Groups do not meet in school holidays or during half-term, as announced.]

All Age Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

Our 11am all-age service is informal and contemporary in style with worship led by our worship group. We all worship as one church family before the children and young people leave to go to their age-appropriate groups. There is a crèche facility for under 3s and other youth groups for all ages.Both morning services follow the same sermon series and the two congregations overlap for tea and coffee in between the two services. In the 11am service, family communion takes place on the first Sunday of each month and baptisms take place on the second Sunday of the month.

Lunch Club

Every First Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

All welcome - first Wednesday of the month. Soup and a Sandwich freshly prepared. Come and join us for some delicious food and friendly fellowship.

Tuesdays, except holiday periods as announced.

Cafe Style Worship

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

CAFE STYLE SERVICE: On the first Sunday of every month at 6pm we hold a more informal ‘Cafe Style’ service. This is usually based on a current topic and offers the opportunity to talk through issues together in a relaxed setting over a ‘cuppa’ and a piece of cake.

[May vary with seasons: Easter, Harvest etc.]

Baptism (Every second Sunday of the month)

Every Second Sunday at for 1 min
St Anne, Aigburth
Aigburth Road, Liverpool L17 6AB Aigburth Liverpool, L17 6AB, United Kingdom

A service at which welcome the newest members of the church family, their families and friends.

Second Sundays, as required