Maundy Thursday 17th March, 7.30pm at St.Paul'sGood Friday 18th April, 2pm at St. LawrenceEaster Sunday 20th April,10.30am at St. Lawrence and 6pm at St. Paul's
8th December – Christingle Service 10.30am at St.Lawrence 9th December – Over 60’s lunch and fun 12.00pm at St.Paul’s 15th December - Carol Service 10.30am at St.Lawrence 22nd December - Christmas Lunch 1.00pm at St.Lawrence Adults £7.50, Children over 5 £5.00 - needs to be pre-booked 22nd December – Carols by Candlelight, 4.30pm at St. Paul’s 24th December – Midnight Holy Communion 11.30pm at St.Paul’s 25th December – Christmas morning Service 10. 30am at St.Lawrence
Course held at St. Paul's Church hall.A series of 8 videos on the books in the bible and how they relate to each other followed by a discussion of the issues raised in the videos.Wednesday lunch time session at 12.30 and 6 pm evening session. Free sandwiches and hot soup.