Facilities and features
Unfortunately we don't have a car park. There is some on street parking outside church. During the week there is a 3 hour limit, but at the weekends there is no time limit.
We have a telephone in the church office which you are welcome to use if you need, for example, to phone for a taxi.
At our 9am service we have large print versions of our service book and hymn book available, At our 11am service we always have print outs available of the service words which are on the screen. These are in 16 point font. If you have different requirements then please let us know and we'll do all that we can to help.
Assistance dogs are most welcome.
Our Building
We have an Eco Church team and are working towards our Bronze Award
Our church is Grade 2* listed.
Music and Worship
Our 9am service has organ music.
Our 11am service has a worship band.
Groups, Courses and Activities
We have a Youth Group for school years 7-10, meeting on Sunday evenings from 7:00-8:15pm
We have Connect groups at various times during the week, meeting in different places. Let us know if you would be interested in joining a group.
We run Alpha most years in the autumn term, sometimes onsite and sometimes on Zoom. We will publish details of our next course soon. You're welcome to get in touch at any time to register an interest or find out more.
We support SHARe Knowsley https://www.shareknowsley.org.uk/
We have Connect groups at various times during the week, meeting in different places. Let us know if you would be interested in joining a group.
They meet in a local primary school on Tuesday evenings. See our website for more details.
They meet in church on Wednesday evenings. See our website for more details.
We run 'Coffee Sanctuary' bi-monthly on Thursday mornings. See our website or social media for more details.
Various courses run from time to time, particularly in Lent. See our website for more details.
Our Keep Fit group meets on Monday evenings 6-7pm. See our website for more details.
They meet in church on Thursday evenings. See our website for more details.
We have Lunch Club which meets on a Thursday 12:00-2:00 every other month for soup and sandwiches.
Star Fellowship meets on a Tuesday every other week 1:30-3:30 for a cup of tea and a speaker. One of our Connect groups is aimed specifically for older people, and meets on the alternate Tuesdays.
See our website for more details.
Tiddlywinks meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30am during term time. See our website for more details.
They meet in church on a Wednesday evening. See our website for more details.
We support SHARe Knowsley https://www.shareknowsley.org.uk/
Help for Visitors
Other Features
We are committed to using Fairtrade projects for our Sunday post-church refreshments.
We have a collection point at the back of church where we collect food for Knowsley Foodbank run by The Big Help project.
We have a good AV system. Our 11am service is projected onto a screen, and also livestreamed to YouTube.