These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Palm Sunday

for 1 hour
Prescot Parish Church (St Mary the Blessed Virgin)
Church St. Prescot Liverpool L34 1LA, L34 1LA, United Kingdom

Palms and Passion service

Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper and The Watch

for 1 hour
Prescot Parish Church (St Mary the Blessed Virgin)
Church St. Prescot Liverpool L34 1LA, L34 1LA, United Kingdom

Join us as we walk through the events of Maundy Thursday. The service includes the opportunity to have your feet washed (but no compulsion), remembering Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet. We will share communion together, just as Jesus sat and ate the Last Supper with his friends. The service will end with The Watch, where the church is stripped of its linens and precious metals, just as Jesus was stripped and taken from the garden of Gethsemane. In remembrance of this, if you wish to, you are invited to stay and ‘keep watch’ in our own created garden where the Sacrament will be placed, helping us to focus on Jesus. The Watch finishes with the blowing out of a candle.

Liturgy of the Hours

for 3 hours
Prescot Parish Church (St Mary the Blessed Virgin)
Church St. Prescot Liverpool L34 1LA, L34 1LA, United Kingdom

Join us for any or all of the following services on Good Friday:

12noon – Creative Remembering
A short, creative service

1pm – Creative Penitence
A creative service of music and prayer

2pm – The Good Friday Liturgy
This is a traditional service, including the Reproaches, hymns and music, and the receiving of the Reserved Sacrament

Easter Vigil

for 1 hour
Prescot Parish Church (St Mary the Blessed Virgin)
Church St. Prescot Liverpool L34 1LA, L34 1LA, United Kingdom

This service begins by candlelight around the font and moves throughout the church, as the light begins to dawn, and we welcome in light, hope, and resurrection.

Easter Day - Sung Eucharist of the Resurrection with Baptism

for 1 hour
Prescot Parish Church (St Mary the Blessed Virgin)
Church St. Prescot Liverpool L34 1LA, L34 1LA, United Kingdom

This service is a service full of celebration, as we remember that Jesus is risen from the dead, bringing the hope of eternal life. There will be activities for all ages as part of this service and rousing Easter hymns will be sung.

The service will be followed by refreshments in the Parish Centre.