Community Food Shop

Every Wednesday at for 4 hours
St George Huyton
Primrose Drive Huyton, L36 8DW, United Kingdom

Save £££s off Grocery's and up to 75% off RRP prices.
Surplus supermarket food, and fresh locally grown vegetables
Shop membership required to access the discounted food.

See Facebook page for details

Traditional Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St George Huyton
Primrose Drive Huyton, L36 8DW, United Kingdom

Every Sunday at 10.45am

Joint Services are held with our sister church St Mary's on 5th Sundays of the month (4times/year) Christenings take place in the main service - please get in touch with the vicar to arrange a date

Lunch Club

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St George Huyton
Primrose Drive Huyton, L36 8DW, United Kingdom

St George Lunch Club takes place every Monday from 12 noon until 2pm.
Soup, sandwiches, tea or coffee and cake. Bingo for small prizes.
All welcome - small donation if possible.

Knowsley Foodbank

Every Monday at for 2 hours
St George Huyton
Primrose Drive Huyton, L36 8DW, United Kingdom

Knowsley Foodbank offers 3 days emergency food to anyone who has been issued with a Foodbank Voucher from a range of care professionals. Food can be accessed on Monday from 12 to 2pm

Closed on Bank Holidays

Family Church - ON HOLD AT PRESENT

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St George Huyton
Primrose Drive Huyton, L36 8DW, United Kingdom

St George's Family Church takes place every Monday during term time at 4pm. Each week there's a mixture of games, music, Bible story, craft, food, drama and a lot of fun.

Family Church is suitable for all ages, but is primarily aimed at families with primary school aged children. Doors are open from 3:15pm for anyone coming along straight from school.