'Walking Wednesdays' and 'Wednesday Well'

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Mary Knowsley
Knowsley Village LIVERPOOL, L34 0JA, United Kingdom

Come and join our new Walking Group meeting 10am outside St Mary's for a gentle stroll around part of the village, and then enjoy a coffee, cake and chat at the Wednesday Well Cafe 11am-noon in St Mary's (you don't have to walk beforehand!)

CONNECT Wednesday

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Mary Knowsley
Knowsley Village LIVERPOOL, L34 0JA, United Kingdom

Our Zoom Bible Study Group continues to meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons, open to anyone who'd like to join us. Log on at 1.45pm for coffee and chat; we then start at 2pm prompt, reading a passage from the bible, letting God speak to us individually, reflecting on this together, then ending in prayer. Email [email protected] for login details

No meetings either side of Easter and during August

Live Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary Knowsley
Knowsley Village LIVERPOOL, L34 0JA, United Kingdom

This is our main weekly All Age service in today's language, and we seek to connect with each age group. Parents please note we have a well stocked 'Tot's Corner' and resources too for older children and youth.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and Morning Praise on 2nd and 4th - with baptisms taking place generally on 4th Sundays.

Private Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Mary Knowsley
Knowsley Village LIVERPOOL, L34 0JA, United Kingdom

We continue to pray every Tuesday at 9.30am, with a choice of praying on your own in the Lady Chapel or in a group. Do join us in this most important meeting of the week!

Tuesdays 9.30-10am

Traditional BCP Worship

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary Knowsley
Knowsley Village LIVERPOOL, L34 0JA, United Kingdom

WE now hold our BCP services every other Sunday at 9am, celebrating Holy Communion on the second Sunday of the month and Morning Prayer on the fourth Sunday.
First and Third Sundays we join as a combined congregation for the 10.45am service.