About Us

Our Church

The church was built in 1830/31 on the same site as one dating from the middle 15th century. The screen was believed to have originated from Halstead Hall, then built in the old church, where it enclosed the choir. The present screen is only one-third of the original.

The reredos (screen behind the altar) was a three-panel painting of the Good Shepherd by a relation of the Reverend Bates (1913-1923). The panels are now mounted in the Tower. 

The Font is octagonal and divided into four panels with quaintly cut emblems of the Evangelists. The panels between shows a seated monk holding a 'Y' representing January, a man with arms akimbo is facing east representing February, a Friar for March and a man holding a rose for April. Pew ends on the south of the nave these are from the first church. 

The expressions on the faces from the old church are mournful, though newer ones more cheerful - a reflection of the worshipers? Note the lady poking her tongue out on one pew end at the devil on another opposite. The stone coffin lid, sited near the pulpit, is believed to be that of the last Abbess of Stixwould Priory. 

Our Services

The church only has occasional services - we will add them to the Services and Events page so please keep an eye on there!

Our website is www.woodhallspa.group

Rector and Churchwardens

Our Priest in Charge is the Rev. Sally Clifton. Telephone 07788 798419 or email [email protected]

Churchwardens:  One warden post is currently vacant. Interested? Please get in touch for more information about becoming a churchwarden.