Redhill walk of witness

for 1 hour, 45 mins
red hill nature reserve.
Stenigot top, LN11 9SN, United Kingdom

Good Friday morning at 9.30 am we meet at Red Hill .
we walk up the hill to the nature reserve at the top.
stopping along the at to sing there is a green hill far away.

when we reach the top we enter the natural amphitheater and the band will play our hymns as we pray hear the readings and sing.
Come and join us in this wonderful moving experience .

St German. Ranby

Find us on Facebook  Asterby Group

Why not visit  the beautiful  Ranby Church churchyard  rest on the seat and take in the view of the wolds in peace and quiet.  Spend a little time with our gracious God who gives us so much to enjoy and delight in. Speak to him in prayer and remember all that we have to be thankful for, remembering the sorrows we have all encountered in this journey.

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Get in touch

Rev Cilla Smith

St Marys Church

Priest in Charge, Rev Cilla Smith
01507 525600

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What's on

Redhill walk of witness

for 1 hour, 45 mins
red hill nature reserve.
Stenigot top, LN11 9SN, United Kingdom

Good Friday morning at 9.30 am we meet at Red Hill .
we walk up the hill to the nature reserve at the top.
stopping along the at to sing there is a green hill far away.

when we reach the top we enter the natural amphitheater and the band will play our hymns as we pray hear the readings and sing.
Come and join us in this wonderful moving experience .