Welcome to St. Leonard's Church, Kirkstead, Lincolnshire.
Services are held in the summer months - keep an eye on the calendar here or on our website to find out more.
We are in a group of six Anglican parishes serving six rural villages in central Lincolnshire. Each church has its own character and activities, but we work and share together as much as we can, in worship and social events throughout the year.
We are committed to being a people of prayer, learning to live out our faith in Jesus and loving our local community.
Find out more at woodhallspa.group
Rector and Churchwardens
Our Priest in Charge is the Rev. Sally Clifton. Telephone 07788 798419 or email [email protected]
Email [email protected] or ring 07842 202 525 for any enquiries about baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Churchwarden Paul Brewster
St Leonard's Church, Kirkstead Charity No. 621622