Our church and history

We have some great plaques and tablets on display in the church. These include:

The North Wall Sanctuary

On the south side of the chancel rest the mortal remains of the Reverend Thomas Frederick Smith B D formerly Fellow of St Mary Magdalen College Oxford Rector of this parish from November 7 1856 till May 21the Sunday after Ascension Day 1871. He departed this life aged 50 years. Under his care the Church, National School were built.

In affestionate memory of him and their one daughter Catherine Isabella who died at Weighmouth July 12 1866 aged 1 year and 9 months the painted East window was erected by his widow. 'Our Father Thy Kingdom come'

A metal plaque

To the beloved memory of Frederick Ewen Cowper Smith Lieut Royal Artillery eldest son of the late Revd. T F Smith formerly Rector of the parish.

He died of fever bought on by over exertion in the discharge of his duty in active service in Afghanistan with the Kyber Line Field Force in July 26th 1860 when he had just completed 19 years of earthly life. 'Jesus mercy'

A rectangular metal plaque with cross

Sacred to the memory of Arthur Munro Cowper Smith Captain in the Royal Field Artillery and graduate of Trinity College Cambridge. He died at Beira East Africa on September 28th 1898 in the 36th year of his age of injuries received in a grass fire whilst shooting game on the Pungwe River. He was the second son of the Revd. T F Smith B D Rector of this parish.

A metal plaque in the South wall sanctuary

In memory of Colonel Bonar Millet Deare second son of the Rev George Deane late Rector of Highton. He fell on the path of duty to his Queen and country in South Africa gallantly leading a column of the 58th Regiment under General G C at the battle of Laings Nek January 28th 1881 aged 46years. 'He fought a good fight he kept the Faith. Jesus Mercy'. Labinur in pejno doner meliora revertant.

A metal plaque with cross

Altar Rails in memory of James Patchett 10.7.1898 – 5.12.1975

Mr Frederick Grant of Lincoln, who was known as a lay reader, carved the beautiful font cover of eight panels to form an octagonal shape in memory of Lieutenant Harold Bates, nephew of the then Rector R C Bates who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. Mr Grant also carved our war memorial, which is formed by 3 panels symbolising the Trinity.

Our Great War memorial 1914 - 1918

Our First World War memorial contains the following names:

William Albans, S Deeley, J Fletcher, H Longthorn, E Mabbott, F Toyne, A Warren

We are very keen to keep our community history alive so more information may be available if you'd like to know any more.

The Horsington History group have their own wonderful website - visit Horsington History | Horsington Lincolnshire History (horsington-lincs.com) for more details.