Monthly. Every Third, Fourth Sunday at for 40 mins
Venue Address
Peaks Avenue New Waltham Grimsby, DN36 4QN, United Kingdom
We worship weekly at 10 am in New Waltham.

On 2nd and 5th Sundays, there is a joint service for all the churches in the Waltham Group. Please see the webpage for details: http://walthamgroupchurches.co.uk

St Matthew's, New Waltham

please go to our website for more information: http://walthamgroupchurches.co.uk

Get in touch

The Reverend Pauline Cummins

What's on

Service of the Word - Common Worship

Monthly. Every Third, Fourth Sunday at for 40 mins
St Matthew's, New Waltham
Peaks Avenue New Waltham Grimsby, DN36 4QN, United Kingdom

We worship weekly at 10 am in New Waltham.

On 2nd and 5th Sundays, there is a joint service for all the churches in the Waltham Group. Please see the webpage for details: http://walthamgroupchurches.co.uk