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All Saints
St Peter & St Paul
Welcome to the parish church of St Peter and St Paul, Burgh-le-Marsh, a parish of the Society of St Wilfred and St Hilda in the Diocese of Lincoln.
St Peter (Gunby Church)
This church is now STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS due to falling masonry posing a risk to human life. For all enquiries, call the Priest-in-Charge, Fr Aiden Edwards on 01754 450815 or 07758 919144 or [email protected]
**UPDATE** We will soon be able to declare the site open again once Heras fencing has been erected to keep people away from the area where the roof slates are slipping. 23.10.24
We are also trying to raise £3,000 to make emergency repairs on the chancel roof where the slates have slipped. This has left the beams exposed and further rain may compromise the safety of the inside of the church. If we do not make these emergency repairs, the building will deteriorate and will have to be closed indefinitely until the whole roof has been repaired which will cost £10's of thousands of pounds.
Please help us make these emergency repairs - a stitch in time saves nine! You can copy and paste the link above into your web browser.
St Peter & St Paul
St Martin
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