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Dating from the 9th Century, Farlesthorpe was originally a Danish settlement. The origins of the name of Farlesthorpe are unknown but in the Doomsday Book it is given as Haroldestrop. It has also been spelt as Earlsthorpe and Faraldesthorpe.

The first church was built in the 13th Century and in 1227 William de Withern was appointed vicar.

The present church was built in 1800, smaller than the original, being of brick and stone. The small polygonal apsed chancel with lancets was added in 1912. The altar slab is ancient and there is a large stone font with a wooden lid.

Farlesthorpe has been joined with Bilsby for a long period and in 1927 became a united benefice.

St Andrew’s was extensively restored in 1953 - the outer structure being brick with part of the interior lined with some of the original stone. The church has Lombardized Georgian windows with Y traceries. There is a small entrance porch and a stone bell cote with one bell. The church is in good order inside and out. The furniture is modern and, music for services is now provided by a portable electronic keyboard.

Over recent years the church has been kept alive by the efforts of Mr Jack Nickson who has farmed in the village for over 50 years. Voluntary help from Michael and Pete Snell who live in Glebe Farm House, the yard through which the church is approached, has maintained the church and the churchyard for many years.

St Andrew's is used four or five times a year for services. It is well supported by congregations from the village and other churches in the area.

LN13 9PH

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