Candlelit Christingle and carols around Cadney

for 2 hours
All Saints
Vicarage Lane, Cadney, DN20 9HR, United Kingdom

4pm, Please meet at Cadney Church Hall for some carols around Cadney.
4.30pm come into Cadney Church Hall for refreshments and help make your Christingle ready for the service.
5pm. The Annual Candlelit Christingle service starts in All Saints Church. A very special festive family service in our beautiful church. Please wrap up warmly when you come into church.

All Saints


Mrs. Debbie Clark 01652 678768

 If unable to contact the appropriate person and you have a safeguarding concern please ring 01522 504070, or in an emergency dial 999.

Get in touch

Debbie Clark

Main Street, Howsham

Church warden
01652 678768

Our website

What's on

Candlelit Christingle and carols around Cadney

for 2 hours
All Saints
Vicarage Lane, Cadney, DN20 9HR, United Kingdom

4pm, Please meet at Cadney Church Hall for some carols around Cadney.
4.30pm come into Cadney Church Hall for refreshments and help make your Christingle ready for the service.
5pm. The Annual Candlelit Christingle service starts in All Saints Church. A very special festive family service in our beautiful church. Please wrap up warmly when you come into church.