About Us
St Mary's church - Knaith, is a grade II* listed building, parts of the external fabric date back to the 12 Century. Much altered over the years, it's present form represents a combination of two significant restorations, the first in the early 1300's together with a second in the 1630's.
We belong to a group of 9 rural churches collectively known as 'The LEA group of parishes'. Our previous priest: The Revd Canon Phillip Wain, has just retired after 26 years ministry with our group.
Please refer to the 'Get In Touch' section on the left hand column for details of how to contact:
Rev. David J. Cotton. Associate Non Stipendiary Priest for the LEA Group of Parishes.
St Mary's has always been by custom and tradition, associated with the Priory/Nunnery of Heynings. Please refer to "St Mary - Knaith and Heynings Priory" for further information.