Table Top Sale

for 3 hours
St George's
St George's, Heapham Road Gainsborough, DN21 2JE, United Kingdom

The next table top sale at St George's Church, Gainsborough is on Saturday 15th March 2025 from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Everyone is invited to come along, grab a bargain, enjoy light refreshments and friendly chit chat.

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Lent Lunches

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St Paul's
St Paul's, Morton Front Morton, DN21 3AD, United Kingdom

St Paul's Church, Morton will be hosting Lent Lunches to support Christian Aid. A simple lunch of vegetable soup and a bread roll will be served from 12:30pm to 1:30pm on the following Mondays - 10th March, 17th March. 24th March, 31st March & 7th April. Everyone welcome.

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Morning Prayer

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St George's
Heapham Road Gainsborough, DN21 2JE, United Kingdom

Celebrated on Tuesdays at St. George's

Mini Messy Church - every Wednesday during term time

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St George's Church
St George's Church, Heapham Road, Gainsborough, DN21 1SH

Mini Messy Church meets at St. George's from 10.00 am to 11.30 am so why not bring your youngsters along, get creative and enjoy good company.

Donation - £1.00 per family which includes food and crafts.

Currently our places are full. Please contact Rev Liz to go on the waiting list on 07798 914596.

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Start Course

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St George's
St George's, Heapham Road Gainsborough, DN21 2JE, United Kingdom

Got questions? Looking for answers? Why not come and join us for our new Start course at St George's Church, Gainsborough from 9.30am to 11:00am starting on Thursday 27th February 2025. It's a down-to-earth fast-moving interactive six session course which helps people to discover the Christian faith. It's free but places are limited so contact Rev Liz Johnson on 07798 914596 or email [email protected] to secure your place.

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Monthly Craft and chat group at All Saints

Monthly. Every Last Wednesday at for 2 hours
All Saints
All Saints, Church Street Gainsborough, DN21 2JR, United Kingdom

Come and join us, bring your knitting , crocheting or just come and share a cuppa . Normally the last Wednesday of the month in All Saints Café unless otherwise advised. Crafting optional , but chatting a good idea !

Forget Me Not Friends

Monthly. Every First Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
All Saints
All Saints, Church Street Gainsborough, DN21 2JR, United Kingdom

A friendship group for people who have lost someone and need something to fill the gap in their daily life. Tea, cake and chat are on offer

The group meet at 2pm usually on the first Monday of each month at All Saints unless otherwise advised.

Contact Fiona (01427 238221) for further information

Gainsborough Mother's Union Fellowship Group

Thursday 20 February 2025, Thursday 17 April 2025, Thursday 19 June 2025, Thursday 21 August 2025, Thursday 16 October 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St George's Church
St George's Church, Heapham Road, Gainsborough, DN21 1SH

Our regular meetings are held bi-monthly at St. George's Church unless otherwise advised. Why not join us and enjoy a cuppa and a chat? We meet on the third Thursday of the month and you will be most welcome.
For further information please contact Mary (01427 613948) or Rosemary (01427 615656)