The Parish Office, covering All Saints, St. Paul's and St. George's, is closed until further notice. We can be contacted either by email at or by phone on 01427 611036 or 07395942778.For Weddings and Baptisms please either attend an Open Office Hour each Wednesday between 5.30pm and 6.30pm at All Saints' Church when a member of the clergy will be able to speak with you.
Have you used Zoom before? You can join us on your laptop, computer, phone (smart phone or I phone), or tablet (i pad or something similar). To join the service Open up the e mail that you received from the Team Parish of Gainsborough and Morton inviting you to the join the service. Click on the link (it may be blue or underlined) (If the link doesn't work, copy and paste it into your browser, OR highlight it, right click and then follow the 'go to . . .' option) - it may ask you to download - you don’t need to You will get a response that says…..”open link” Simply click on this and it will take you to a new screen (Be prepared at each stage for a delay as it sometimes takes a while to connect) Once you do that we know you are there and will let you into the service (you may need to wait a couple of minutes). To hear the service please make sure that the volume is up on your computer. It is your choice if you have your video camera on or off, but if it is on we can see you. Once the service starts we will mute everybody to improve the sound quality. If you need further help If you have any problems joining us for our morning service, then please phone any of the following and we will do our best to help you. Sheila on 07395 942778 Deirdre on 07710 535725 Fiona on 01427 238221 Rev Steve on 07766411090 And allow plenty of time so remember that 'doors open' 15-20 minutes before the start of the service connect to the service on zoom. We do hope that you will try and join us on Zoom until we can meet again in person for worship. Are you an experienced user? If you have a Zoom account, or have downloaded the Zoom app, simply open up the app, and type in the Meeting ID and the Password. As soon as you do this, we know you are waiting and will let you into the service