Related Churches
St Andrew's, Epworth
Welcome to St Andrew’s Church, Epworth
Welcome to St Andrew's Church. We aim to be a welcoming, friendly and inclusive parish church serving the people of the North Lincolnshire market town of Epworth and also the many pilgrims and visitors who come from all over the world because of our part in nurturing the Methodist revival of the eighteenth century. Our chief aims are to love God and one another through our worship together and through active service as Christian disciples within our community and the world, to 'know Jesus and make him known'.
Details of our services and other activities can be found on this site and we look forward to welcoming you whether you come from round the corner or across the world to know of God's love and to share that with others.
St Pancras
Welcome to St Pancras Church, Wroot
Welcome to St Pancras Church. We aim to be a welcoming, friendly and inclusive parish church serving the people of the North Lincolnshire village of Wroot and also the many pilgrims and visitors who come from all over the world because of our part in nurturing the Methodist revival of the eighteenth century. Our chief aims are to love God and one another through our worship together and through active service as Christian disciples within our community and the world, to 'know Jesus and make him known'.
Details of our services and other activities can be found on this site and we look forward to welcoming you whether you come from round the corner or across the world to know of God's love and to share that with others.
Below is a little information about our church building and its history.
St Pancras Wroot was rebuilt in the late 1870's but a church has stood on this site for many centuries. In the 1720's the incumbent was the Reverend Samuel Wesley of Epworth and for a time his son John served as his curate looking after Wroot. A modern stone commemorates this link at the entrance to the large open churchyard. It is thought that two of John's sisters are buried in the churchyard but their graves are not marked. St Pancras claims the second oldest bell in the Diocese of Lincoln. Because of the Wesley connection St Pancras attracts pilgrims from all over the world and there are framed pictures giving the history of the Church inside. St Pancras is now the only church in the village.
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