Related Churches
St Swithun's
We will be holding Holy Communion Services at 1030 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays
We will be holding Morning Prayer on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 1030Welcome to St Swithun’s. A beautiful warm and friendly Church with weekly morning services (of either Morning Worship or Holy Communion). Outside of Sunday Worship, the Church helps to support the Local Community through social gatherings and special events.
The first recorded mention of a Church in Long Bennington is in the Doomsday Book, 'The Great Survey', ordered by William the Conqueror, and completed in 1086. The current Church dates back to around 1175, although it has been extensively modified and rebuilt over the intervening years most recently in 1902; the previously attached Cistercian Priory having been built around 1150. Unfortunately today the Church does not lie at the centre of the village; however, our mission remains to be at the heart of the community.
Our Church is very much here to serve the community, in worship and in weddings, funerals and baptisms. We also have close links with the Village School, Long Bennington Church of England Academy.
The Church helps people to mark some of the most important events in their lives. If you are thinking about baptism, wanting to get married or would like to hold a funeral for a loved one please get in touch.
Holy Trinity
Currently Holy Trinity Allington is undergoing major refurbishment. Services are being held at St. Lawrence Sedgebrook for the time being.
Holy Trinity Allington is a beautiful small church, well worth a visit. You will find the church open daily 10-4 from Palm Sunday to Harvest
Holy Trinity church seats approximately one hundred people comfortably although more can be accommodated on occasions.
We are thankful for the help and support we receive from the wider village in helping us look after the church.
Fund raising events are many and varied with proceeds going towards our major refurbishment project.
There is no shortage of flower arrangers or church cleaners throughout the year as a rota system operates smoothly. Allington can boast strong inter- denominational participation both in welcoming other churches in the diocese and also attending their ecumenical services.
There are two bells in the belfry, both in excellent working order. This can be verified by the inhabitants of Allington!
Our services are held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10.00am
St Peter
St Peter's church is at the heart of the village and dates back to the 11th century on its present site. The fabric is in good repair and a good oil heating system, along with a friendly atmosphere, ensure a warm welcome for all who visit.
The church is floodlit on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings and can be seen for several miles away. People can also pay for the lights on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries etc.
The tower contains 3 bells which can be chimed only. They are often used at weddings. The tower also sports a tractor weathervane to reflect our farming links.
Foston PCC organise various social events each year, including Harvest Supper, Cheese & Wine Evening and Coffee Mornings. Church notelets and bookmarks are also produced internally for sale. Proceeds from a Foston History Book also go to church funds.
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