Reflection from the Rectory Reflecting on the Light of Christ

for 29 days, 1 hour

Candlemas is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of February, and we will do so across our Benefices this coming Sunday. Candlemas is another name for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Forty days after His birth, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for the traditional rites of purification and dedication. It is the final Epiphany season revelation as Simeon and Anna meet Jesus and his parents and declare to all present, especially Anna, that she has met the Messiah. Simeon declares his praise to God in the very famous song known as the Nunc Dimitis (Luke 2.29-32).
The story is bittersweet as Mary and Joseph are no doubt delighted by the reception from Simeon and Anna, but also anxious about Simeon’s prophesy of a sword piercing Mary’s heart. There is no doubt that she would have reflected on those words alongside those of the shepherds as Jesus grew and became wise.

A time for reflection for us too to consider where we are in our own stories of discipleship. In only a few short weeks we will enter the season of Lent, a time of personal reflection and an opportunity to join in with the Lent exploration, which this year will include How to Pray and the Women of Holy Week (more details to follow). Wherever we are in our stories the Holy Spirit is very much there to encourage us as we seek to pray, learn, serve and worship together as church community in parish and Benefice. I pray that you are able to take some time to sit and just be with Jesus and his teachings. No matter our age Jesus is always able to teach us something new. With every blessing. Reverend Al.

Coffee morning Leasingham Village Hall from 10.00-11.30am

Monthly. Every Second Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew's, Leasingham
Captain’s Hill Leasingham Sleaford, NG34 8LU, United Kingdom

Fancy a coffee on a Saturday morning? With a warm welcome, stalls to tempt and amuse and a hot drink to quench your thirst,

Sunday Services in St Andrews Church at 9.30am

Sunday 02 February 2025, Sunday 09 February 2025, Sunday 16 February 2025, Sunday 23 February 2025 at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Leasingham
Captain’s Hill Leasingham Sleaford, NG34 8LU, United Kingdom

Join us for worship, praise and fellowship, our services in February will be as follows;
2nd February - Morning Praise - Candlemas
9th February- Morning Praise
16th February - Morning Praise
23rd February - Holy communion

Sunday @3 on the 16th February at 3.00pm

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

Come and join us for our afternoon family service with modern songs/hymns, activities and fellowship.

Lincoln Recovery College

for 59 days, 4 hours

Are you finding life challenging or supporting someone who is? Do you want to learn from people with real life experience, alongside education and health professionals? If so, the Lincolnshire Recovery College could be for you.

We offer free educational courses about mental health, recovery and wellbeing. Courses are open to anyone aged 16+ who lives, works, or studies in Lincolnshire. There is no referral needed -- you can choose the sessions that you would like to come to and register using the online form.
For more information about Lincoln Recovery College and the Courses they are offering, a full list has been attached to this notice as well as the link to their web site.

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Night Cafe. the Source, Sleaford

for 44 days, 1 hour

Every Tuesday

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Wednesday Morning Service of Holy Communion at 8.45am in All Saints Church Ruskington

Wednesday 29 January 2025 at for 30 mins
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion will be held every Wednesday of each month at 8.45am
We invite you to come and join us for this short said service of Holy Communion.
Christians have gathered to celebrate the love of Jesus through the Last Supper (Holy Communion) for generations. We come together to worship, sing, hear the word of God and take part in the remembrance of Jesus sacrifice for us. Please join us. If you are new to a communion service please speak to a welcomer who will be happy to help you.

Morning Prayer in All Saints Church re-starting on the 2nd January at 8.45am

Monday 20 January 2025, Tuesday 21 January 2025, Thursday 23 January 2025, Friday 24 January 2025, Monday 27 January 2025, Tuesday 28 January 2025, Thursday 30 January 2025, Friday 31 January 2025 at for 30 mins
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

Join us each week day morning as we come together for Morning Prayer on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays we aim to offer a short service of Holy Communion.
If you are unable to join us in person, you might like to follow us by downloading the morning prayer app from the Church of England site or click here.
Each morning we pray for our churches, our communities as well as the wider world. You can download our Daily Prayers from the News and Notices section.