Reflection from the Rectory - What Lent Really Is

for 36 days, 1 hour

The month of March sees the beginning of the church season of Lent. For many it is about giving up chocolate, coffee, etc. These are not bad things in themselves, but they do miss the point of what Lent really means. Lent is about recognising in ourselves and how we live our lives. A time of self-reflection on where we are in following our Lord’s commandment to love one another. Whether that is a small shift in our daily life or perhaps a larger one, it is about having the opportunity to deepen our spiritual life, commit more time to God in what we are am doing for him in this place. For me, that means buying a lent devotional book and committing to it. Of course you do not need to buy one there are plenty of them available for free on the internet. The CofE offering this year is Living Hope which is available at this link or you can search for it. There will be a Lent exploration on the subject of prayer as we look at different ways of praying and how that might help our spiritual temperature to move up the scale by a few degrees. Jesus spent his time in the wilderness deepening his connexion with God, he suffered all manner of hardships, hunger, thirst, wild beasts, temptations. Yet we he came out of that seclusion soaked in prayer, he was ready for what was to come, even though it would lead to the cross. I hope that you might start your Lent by joining together as a Benefice on Wednesday the 5th of March at 7pm at All Saints Ruskington with the traditional Ash Wednesday service. My prayer for us all for Lent is that we will engage with something g which will bring us closer to God whether that be through more committed prayer time, learning more about the Christian story or coming together as people of God in our praise and worship more often. I have offered some scripture as the endpiece to this newsletter to help us in our Lenten Journey. Blessings. Revd Al.

Morning Prayer in All Saints Church MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY at 8.45am

Every day at for 30 mins
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

Join us each week day morning as we come together for Morning Prayer on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays we aim to offer a short service of Holy Communion.
If you are unable to join us in person, you might like to follow us by downloading the morning prayer app from the Church of England site or click here.
Each morning we pray for our churches, our communities as well as the wider world. You can download our Daily Prayers from the News and Notices section.


Sunday Services in St Andrews Church at 9.30am

Sunday 02 March 2025, Sunday 09 March 2025, Sunday 16 March 2025, Sunday 23 March 2025 at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Leasingham
Captain’s Hill Leasingham Sleaford, NG34 8LU, United Kingdom

Join us for worship, praise and fellowship, our services in March will be as follows;
2nd March - Morning Praise -
9th March- Morning Praise
16th March - Morning Praise
23rd March - Holy communion

Sunday @3 on the 16th March at 3.00pm

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

This Sunday (16 March) we will be holding our All Age Family Service, Sunday@3, at All Saints Ruskington at 3pm. Last month was all about LOVE! Not the icky kind! The children were against that! It was all about agape love. That freely given, selfless, condition less love. We explored how Jesus demonstrated that love through his service to God’s people and how we might do that where we live and worship. For example not placing condition on acts of service, “please clean your room”, “I will but only if you give me…” Now that was not only a children thing, but we are also all prone to placing conditions. During our activity we talked about love and created some hearts which had a space where we could put our prayers. It was a lovely time together, why not come along for our next one on the 16th of March.

Lent Explorations

Wednesday 12 March 2025, Wednesday 19 March 2025, Wednesday 26 March 2025, Wednesday 02 April 2025, Wednesday 09 April 2025 at for 1 hour

The Benefice Lent Exploration this year will focus on prayer. How and why we pray. We will be using the Diocesan Lent Resource – Teach Us to Pray. The sessions will be held at Myers House on Wednesday mornings at 1030 and will be led by the Ministry Team. The theme is how we pray using these simple words: please; wow; sorry; and ouch. We would love for you to join with us as we deepen our understanding of prayer together and learn some new ways to pray. Come along you are always welcome. You can text Revd Al on 07961 654486 or email him at [email protected] Please use Lent Exploration at the beginning of your message. Remember this is not a course, it is an exploration!
Teach Us To Pray Lent 2025 – Benefice Of North Lafford – Myers House

Date Time Subject
12 March 2025 1030 Week 1 – Saying Please
19 March 2025 1030 Week 2 – Saying Wow
26 March 2025 1030 Week 3 – Saying Sorry
2 April 2025 1030 Week 4 – Saying Ouch
9 April 2025 1030 Week 5 – Saying Nothing

Benefice Monthly Mid-Week Evening Service of Holy Communion at 6.30pm in St Mary's Evedon

for 1 hour
St Mary's, Evedon
Evedon Road Evedon Sleaford, NG34 9PA, United Kingdom

We invite you to come and join us for our 1st Monthly Mid-week Benefice Evening Service of Holy Communion
Christians have gathered to celebrate the love of Jesus through the Last Supper (Holy Communion) for generations. We come together to worship, sing, hear the word of God and take part in the remembrance of Jesus sacrifice for us. Please join us. If you are new to a communion service, please speak to a welcomer who will be happy to help you.

Lincoln Recovery College

for 35 days, 5 hours

Are you finding life challenging or supporting someone who is? Do you want to learn from people with real life experience, alongside education and health professionals? If so, the Lincolnshire Recovery College could be for you.

We offer free educational courses about mental health, recovery and wellbeing. Courses are open to anyone aged 16+ who lives, works, or studies in Lincolnshire. There is no referral needed -- you can choose the sessions that you would like to come to and register using the online form.
For more information about Lincoln Recovery College and the Courses they are offering, a full list has been attached to this notice as well as the link to their web site.

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Night Cafe. the Source, Sleaford

for 35 days, 2 hours

Every Tuesday

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Wednesday Morning Service of Holy Communion at 8.45am All Saints Church

Wednesday 12 March 2025, Wednesday 26 March 2025 at for 30 mins
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion will be held on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 8.45am
We invite you to come and join us for this short said service of Holy Communion.
Christians have gathered to celebrate the love of Jesus through the Last Supper (Holy Communion) for generations. We come together to worship, sing, hear the word of God and take part in the remembrance of Jesus sacrifice for us. Please join us. If you are new to a communion service please speak to a welcomer who will be happy to help you.

Mothering Sunday 30th March Benefice Service

for 1 hour
All Saints, Ruskington
Manor Street Ruskington Sleaford, NG34 9EL, United Kingdom

Join us as we worship and celebrate in our Mother Church.

Messy Church 1st March

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 1 hour

We will hold the next one on Saturday the 1st of March at Chestnut Street School. Messy Church will now start at 2.30pm arrival from 2.15pm, and look to finish at 3.45pm.

We will be exploring Light and the Christian faith. Amongst our bible story and crafts, there will be some candle making!!

Coffee morning Leasingham Village Hall from 10.00-11.30am

Monthly. Every Second Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew's, Leasingham
Captain’s Hill Leasingham Sleaford, NG34 8LU, United Kingdom

Fancy a coffee on a Saturday morning? With a warm welcome, stalls to tempt and amuse and a hot drink to quench your thirst,