On Saturday the 13th of October, The Annual Service of Lay Ministry was held at Lincoln Cathedral where Corinna, Richard, Di and Jane, supported by Revd Al and Jayne, came to worship together and celebrate lay ministry. Bishop Nicholas presided at the Eucharist service and Bishop Stephen preached. The service and sermon expressed the importance of Lay Ministers within the ministry and life of the Church. It was a joyful occasion as Lay Ministers came together from across the Diocese to reaffirm their commitment to their ministries as Readers and Authorised Lay Ministers. The new Warden of Lay Ministry, The Reverend Lynne Smith, was commissioned and two new Readers, Pauline and Peter were licenced. The Annual General Meeting for Readers and ALMs was held immediately following the service where Bishop Nicholas and the two Wardens of Lay Ministry spoke with additional speakers, including Sarah Spencer, who encouraged everyone to explore the new digital learning platform. Everyone should sign up as it is a wonderful toolbox for all who wish to further their Christian knowledge.
2nd November Anwick Village Hall at 10.00am2nd November Cranwell Village Hall at 10.00am9thNovember Leasingham Village Hall 10.00am -11.30am 16thNovember Ruskington, Winchelsea Centre at 9.00am-serving bacon butties & hot drinks!