Harvest Festival Saturday 10th August at 7.00pm
- Occurring
- for 1 hour
- Venue
- St Mary's Evedon
- Address St Mary's Evedon
“Living in a county which provides something like 25% of the countries vegetables make Harvest time something special to our villages.
In previous years St Mary’s have held a Harvest festival service at the beginning of the month, the food donations collected going to the Sleaford Food Bank.
This year we have decided to change things. On Saturday 10th August at 7pm we plan a musical evening to be held in Evedon church, when we will celebrate Harvest, Life, Love and Kindness to others. We invite you to come along, be entertained and sing-along to all genres of music ranging from Elvis, to Michael Jackson, the Beetles, Michael Buble and the list goes on….
There will be no charge for entry on the night. What we merely ask is that you join us, bring an item or few of groceries and a donation towards St Mary’s Church Maintenance Fund. This will help us keep our Church in good and safe order for the future.
Food donations will be delivered to the Sleaford Food Bank, as always.
We look forward to your involvement, participation and generosity. This will delight all those who will be involved in making the evening happen and to see St Mary’s succeed into the future. Please ink 7pm. 10th August 2024. In your diaries.