
Every First, Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul church Wigtoft
St Peter & St Paul church Wigtoft, Main Road Wigtoft, PE20 2NJ, United Kingdom

From Sunday 10th March we are opening our church up for Holy Communion. There will be a service at 9-30a.m on the first and second Sunday each month. These service will be taken by Revd. Mark Williams on the first Sunday and Revd. Susan Hentley ( Curate ) on the second Sunday. There is always a warm welcome for everyone that attends these services. If the dates and times change I will up date this notice.

Remembrance Service

Monday 11 November 2024 at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

The Remembrance Service will be held on 11th November at 10-45p.m. We always hold our Remembrance Service on the 11th November and not on the Sunday that the other Churches in our group hold their service. Do come to this service to remember the once from our village that gave their lives for us.

Christmas Tree Festival

Saturday 30 November 2024, Sunday 01 December 2024, Saturday 07 December 2024, Sunday 08 December 2024 at for 5 hours
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

The Christmas Tree Festival is held over two(2) weekends. We start on Saturday 30th November and finish on Sunday 8th December. The Church is open from 10a.m till 3p.m on the Saturday`s and Sunday`s. There will be stalls, raffle, tombola`s and refreshments. Santa will also be making a visit both Saturday`s and Sunday`s, this is free for every child and each child will receive a gift. A warm welcome awaits everyone so do come and see our happy Church.

Carol Service

Friday 06 December 2024 at for 2 hours
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

We have changed the day of our Carol Service this year, instead of it being on the first Friday of our Christmas Tree Festival this year it will be on the second Friday. The music for the Carol service will be played by the Salvation Army band. The service is on Friday 6th December at 6p.m. If you love singing Carols then do please come along to this service. There will be a chance to look around the Church after the service. The collection from this service will be split between the Salvation Army and our Church.

Crib Service

Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

The Crib Service is at 4p.m on Tuesday 24th December. This is a service for everyone and this includes children. So for through the service the children are asked to take the figures into the Crib. The story of the first Christmas is told to all and at each stage the children take up the relevant figures to the Crib. Carols are sung and Christmas readings are read. This service really gets us into the Christmas Spirit. Do come along and join us also bring your children to join us. I hope to see everyone there.

Group Service

Sunday 29 December 2024 at for 1 hour
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

When there is a fifth Sunday in the month we have a Group service for our Group. On Sunday 29th December the Group Service will be at St Peter & St Paul Wigtoft. The service starts at 10-30a.m and refreshments are served after the service. Everyone welcome.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Friday 27 September 2024 at for 2 hours
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

We are holding a MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September in Church from 10a.m to 12noon. There will be Coffee and Cakes, also a Raffle. All money raised will go to the Boston Branch of MacMillan.

Craft & Flower Weekend

Saturday 14 September 2024, Sunday 15 September 2024 at for 5 hours
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

St Peter & St Paul Church Wigtoft are holding a craft & Flower Weekend on the 14th & 15th September form 10a.m to 3p.m each day. The theme is D-Day & the Forties. There will be Craft Stalls, Raffle, Tombola, A Church Stall selling items that Have St Peter & St Paul Church on them. There will be refreshments served both days, these will consist of Bacon Butties, Sausage Baps and Toasted Sandwiches. Do come and see our beautiful Church.

Harvest Festival

Sunday 29 September 2024 at for 4 hours, 30 mins
St Peter & St Paul
Main Road Wigtoft Boston, PE20 2HD, United Kingdom

This year our Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday 29th September. The Service will start at 3p.m, this will be followed by the Harvest Tea which will be held in the Village Hall, then we follow the Tea with the Auction. The tickets for the Tea cost £6.00 each, which needs to be paid in advance. Everyone welcome, this is a joyful event.