The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin Swineshead Services for April 2025
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 45 mins
- Start date
- Please note that this event will not start until
- Venue
- St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
- Address The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom
6th April , 5th Sunday of Lent , Passiontide begins , (Purple) 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion
Readings; Isaiah 43 v 16-21, Philippians 3 v 4b-14 , John 12 v 1-8
13th April , Palm Sunday , (Red) , 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion
Readings : Isaiah 50 v 4-9a, Philippians 2 v 5-11, Luke 22 v 14-end of 23
17th April , Maundy Thursday , (White) , 7.00 p.m. Eucharist for Maundy Thursday
Readings: Exodus 12v 1-4(5-10) 11-14 , 1 Corinthians 11 v 23-26 , John 13v 1-17 and 31b-35
18th April , Good Friday 2.00 p.m. Last Hour of the Cross at Saint Mary and the Holy Rood Donington
Readings; To Be Arranged (Short Half Hour Service)
20th April , Easter Day (Gold or White) 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion
Readings: Isaiah 65 v 17-end , Acts 10 v 34-43, John 20 v 1-18
27th April , 2nd Sunday after Easter , (White) 11.00 a.m. Holy Communion
Readings: Exodus 14 v 10-end and 15v 20-21 , Acts 5 v 27-32 , John 20 v 19-end
Please Check the specific times of services as written as some of the Easter services are not always at 11am and the Good Friday Service is to be held at Donington Church .