Said Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom

There is a short, Said Holy Communion Service every Wednesday in St.Mary's Church Swineshead at 10.00a.m. This is a lovely form of service , we sit in the lady chapel to the right of the main aisle . There are no hymns sung at this service. Those of you that would like to our very welcome to stay back after the service to meet with one another for a natter. Tea , Coffee and biscuits are usually served afterwards. You are very welcome to come along.

The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin Swineshead Services for July 2024

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom

7th July , 6th Sunday after Trinity (Green) , 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Service. Readings: Ezekiel 2 v 1-5 ,
2 Corinthians 12 v 2 - 10 , Mark 6 v 1 - 13

14th July , 7th Sunday after Trinity (Green) , 11 am Service of Holy Communion . Readings: Amos 7 v 7-15 , Ephesians 1 v 3-14 ,
Mark 6 v 14 -29 .

21st July , 8th Sunday after Trinity (Green) , 11.00 a.m. Service of Holy Communion Or Morning Praise .
Readings: Jeremiah 23 v 1-6 , Ephesians 2 v 11-end , Mark 6 v 30-34,53 - end

28th July , 9th Sunday after Trinity ( Green) 11.00 a.m. Service of Holy Communion Readings: 2 Kings 4 v 42-end ,
Ephesians 3 v 14-end , John 6 v 1-21

Coffee and Chat

Every First Saturday at for 2 hours
St. Mary's Church Hall
St. Mary's Church Hall, Market Place Swineshead

Coffee and Chat is an informal coffee morning for friends to meet and make new friends and just have a chat over a cup of coffee or tea with biscuits. It is on the first Saturday of each month just drop in any time between 10am until 12 noon. We will be pleased to see you.

Morning Prayer

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday of the month a Morning Prayer service will be held. It will be conducted by the Church Warden Jean Powell and will commence at 11am. See one off events.

Church Cleaning

Monthly. Every First Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom

Help is needed to clean the church , can you help ? This takes place once a month on the first Tuesday of the month starting at 9.00am . Please come along if you can spare an hour or two . Its would also be an opportunity to get to know the other helpers if you felt like meeting some other friendly faces.

Group Service at Saint Mary’s Sutterton 30th June 2024

Sunday 30 June 2024 at for 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom

On 30th June 10.30 am , there will be a Group Service at Saint Mary’s Sutterton . Every body is welcome to attend this Service . This will be the 5th Sunday after Trinity and it will be a Service of Holy Communion . The Readings will be : Wisdom1v 13-15;2 v 23-24 , 2 Corinthians 8 v 7-end , Mark 5 v 21-end

The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin Swineshead Services for June 2024

Saturday 01 June 2024 at for 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin , Swineshead
The Church of St. Mary the Virgin High Street Swineshead Boston, PE20 3LJ, United Kingdom

Services for June 2024

2nd June, 1st Sunday after Trinity (Green) , 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer Service, Readings: Deuteronomy 5 v 12-15 , 2 C
2 Corinthians 4 v 5-12 Mark 2 v 23-3 v 6

9th June 2nd Sunday after Trinity , (Green) , 11.00 a.m. Service of Holy Communion , Readings: Genesis 3 v 8-15 ,
2 Corinthians 4 v 13- 5 v 1 Mark 3 v 20 - end

16th June, 3rd Sunday after Trinity (Green) , 11.00 a.m. Service of Holy Communion or Morning Praise .
Readings: Ezekiel 17 v 22 – end , 2 Corinthians 5 v 6 – 17 Mark 4 v 26 -34

23rd June , 4th Sunday after Trinity (Green) 11.00 a.m. Service of Holy Communion, Readings : Job 38 v 1-11 , 2 Corinthians 6 v 1-13 , Mark 4 v 35 -41

30th June, 5th Sunday after Trinity (Green) , 10.30 a.m. Service of Holy Communion , Group Service at Saint Mary’s Sutterton. Readings\;Wisdom1v 13-15;2 v 23-24 , 2 Corinthians 8 v 7-end , Mark 5 v 21-end