About Us
We are an Evangelical Anglican church located in a village of some 2000+ residents on the northern edge of Grantham - adjacent to the A1. We especially welcome children and families and have a full range of activities for them - including our new creche room.
We have one service each Sunday at 10.30am.The Monthly Pattern is:
First Sunday: Morning Prayer (+ Children’s Sunday Club)
Second Sunday: Holy Communion (+ Children’s Sunday Club)
Third Sunday: All Age Service
Fourth Sunday: Morning Prayer (+ Children’s Sunday Club)
Fifth Sunday: Holy Communion (alternates between one of the Churches in our group-The West Grantham Group of Villages).
We especially welcome children and families and have a full range of activities for them - including our new creche room. Sunday Club runs each week for children aged between 4 and 10years. Sunday Club children join in for the first part of the service before joining in an activity in our tower room.
Lots more details on our website which you can find on the home page.
and our facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/St.SebastiansChurchGreatGonerby
We also offer midweek groups (see the home page of the group website) and monthly Coffee,Cake and Company on a Friday between 10 and 11am.