Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals


We are looking forward to sharing with you on your special day.  The Church of the Ascension, Harrowby is a beautiful modern octagonal church on the Harrowby estate. St John the Baptist Church, Londonthorpe is a small and pretty rural church and is in a picturesque location. Please note, however, that it has no toilet facilities.

If you live in the benefice (Harrowby or Londonthorpe) or if you have a specific, demonstrable link with the parish, then you are automatically entitled to get married in either church. If not then you will need to have your name on our electoral roll. You qualify for this by worshipping with us for 6 months.

Of course, we would be very pleased to have you worship with us at any time whether there is a legal requirement to do so or not. Other couples have said that they enjoyed their wedding more because they felt that they ‘belonged’ in the church.

For more information about church weddings click here.

There are standard fees set by the Church of England and Parochial Church Council for weddings in the Parish. The services of an organist and the provision of flowers can be arranged. Additional fees are payable for these.

Hall hire after Weddings/Baptisms/Funerals is available at the Ascension.

All enquiries to the Vicar


Baptism, or Christening as it is also called, is the way in which we join the Christian Church, and celebrate what God promises for each individual. As such it is a very significant event in the life of anyone, whether a baby, a child or an adult.

At the Baptism Service promises and declarations are made by those being baptised, or by their Parents and Godparents on their behalf. Godparents must be baptised persons.

The Church of the Ascension, Harrowby and St John the Baptist's Church, Londonthorpe welcome anyone living in the benefice, or with a strong connection to the parish, who present themselves or their children for Baptism.

For young people and adults the normal practice is to attend a series of confirmation classes prior to Baptism. These courses are usually run on an annual basis.

Where babies or children are presented for Baptism, the parents will be contacted and will normally be asked to attend three Sunday services before the Baptism date to familiarise themselves with the church and meet the church family.

The Baptism will take place within a service of public worship, or at a special Baptism service held normally on a Sunday after the main service.

The Church claims for those who are baptised that: “God has touched you with his love and given a place among his people. God promises to be with you in joy and sorrow, to be your guide in life, and to bring you safely to heaven.”

There are no fees payable for Baptism. A retiring collection will be taken at the close of the service for the work of the church.

If you wish to enquire further about Baptism please contact the the Vicar.

Being a Godparent -

Baptism is always a very special and happy occasion. Often it’s the first ‘formal’ event in a child’s life, and a chance for the family to celebrate the new arrival together. But Baptism is a lot more than just a chance to say ‘Welcome’ to a new member of the human family. The service is about the child’s relationship to God, and it only fulfils its real meaning when that is understood I’m sure you’re delighted and honoured to have been asked to be a godparent. But it is also a responsibility and you may be wondering what is expected of you. Baptism is a service of commitment to Jesus Christ. The child is already a member of one family; now we welcome them into another – God’s ‘family’, the family of the Church.
In the baptism service godparents are asked if they are willing to help their god­child by their prayers, by their example and by their teaching, to take their place in the life and worship of Christ’s church. You will also be asked to declare that you reject evil, repent of your sins and turn to Christ, coming to him as the way, the truth and the life.

Some godparents will not have had the opportunity to think through these promises in detail and it can sound a little daunting, so if you are unsure about what it all means, please contact us or your own parish priest.

The most important thing to understand is that you are promising to seek God’s support in your own life, to follow Jesus Christ’s teaching to the best of your ability and to ask God’s forgiveness when you fail. You make the promises for yourself and as a sign of your willingness to support your god­child in their Christian life.

At the baptism itself we will give you a special card in the name of your god­child. We suggest that you don’t put this away in a drawer for safe keeping but keep it on display. It can then act as a reminder for you to think of your godchild as they grow up and ask God to bless them daily.


You should initially make contact with your chosen Funeral Director. Generally they will look after the arrangements with the church and clergy. The clergy are available to take funerals at either the church or at the Crematorium for people who have lived in the parish or benefice.

There are standard fees set by the Church of England and Parochial Church Council for funerals. These are normally paid through the funeral director.

All Funeral enquiries to the Vicar