About Us

St John the Baptist Church aims to be:
‘A welcoming church that points to Jesus by celebrating God’s love in our community’

We welcome you to the village church of St John the Baptist, with its lovely churchyard and wonderful views over the Lincolnshire countryside. We are part of a United Benefice with The Church of the Ascension, Harrowby, in the Grantham Deanery of the Diocese of Lincoln and are also a member of Churches Together in Grantham and District.

Meet the people

Those involved in ministering to the people of the Londonthorpe Parish include the clergy, lay ministers, church wardens, and other officials of the parish. However, we never forget that we are all called to serve and love our neighbour as we love God (Matthew 22.37,38).

Ministry Team
Priest in Charge – Rev Samantha Parsons
Assistant Priest – Rev Barbara Manterfield

Church Officials
Churchwardens – Mr Terry Claxton & Mr Ken Steer-Jones
PCC Secretary – Mrs Donna White
PCC Bookkeeper – Mr Paul Jarvis 

Although Lundetorp existed as a Viking village prior to the Norman Conquest and is referred to in the Domesday Book of 1086, the present stone church dates to the early 1200s. This is the date of the three arches supported by the two stone pillars of the south aisle. The north aisle arches date from c1300.The south porch and south aisle walls have perpendicular windows dating from the fifteenth century and the first registers date from 1539.

The base and lower part of the bell tower may also be as early as the 1200s owing to its narrow, pointed or ‘lancet’ window. The most recent parts of this ancient building are the north aisle dated 1852 and the Chancel, which is also Victorian.

One of the oldest monuments in any of the churches in the Grantham area are the fragmentary remains of a C13th coffin lid decorated with a leafy (or foliated) cross and a cross-legged knight. This can be found in the North aisle. So with a history going back over the past 800 years, St John the Baptist’s church is well worth a visit.

Of interest are the 32 War Graves of men who fell in the Great war which are in the church graveyard. The church is a popular venue for weddings and baptisms due to its picturesque and rural setting.