Please contact the interim headteacher Mr D Nicholson for more details:<br>Telephone: 01522 810627<br>Email:
This centuries old tradition is a great way to help to keep fit and it's good for mental stimulation too. You don't have to be strong or musical - bellringers come from all walks of life and ages.The initial teaching takes several weeks after which you can begin to ring with the band at church services, weddings and festivals.We practice on Thursday evenings between 7:30pm and 9pm alternating between Navenby and Wellingore churches.It's FREE and we always pop to the pub afterwards. Ring PAUL on 07779 107201or email David at 4me.djrandall@gmail.comAny lapsed ringers who fancy making a comeback are most welcome!
Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the Secretary of State for Justice, acting on an application by the incumbent and churchwardens, to apply to the Privy Council for an Order requiring the discontinuance of burials in the above churchyard.Provision would be made for no exceptionsAny representations about the proposed closure should be sent to the Coroners and Burials Team, Ministry of Justice, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ or by email to (quoting reference CC/JUN24/012) within 21 days of this publication.