Christmas Holiday Club
- Occurring
- for 2 hours, 15 mins
- Venue
- All Saints
- Address Mill Lane North Hykeham Lincoln, LN6 9AB, United Kingdom
Who can come? All children of Primary School age (5-11, plus 4 year olds who have already started reception)
Where? The Ark, Moor Lane, North Hykeham
When? Monday 23rd December, 10am-12.15pm
Booking? You will need to complete this form to book a place for your child, please assume you have a place unless you hear otherwise
Cost? £2.50 per child or £5 per family (but don't let cost be a barrier, email [email protected] if need help with this)
Christmas Community Larder... If you are able to bring long-life food to share with those in need at Christmas, we will send it to the food bank to help families in need
Staying Safe... All our adult leaders have been DBS checked and trained in Safeguarding. We will have a First Aider present. If you have any concerns, please contact our Safeguarding Officer Sally Long: [email protected]