St Andrew, Boothby Graffoe

The Church of St. Andrew, Boothby Graffoe is located just off the A607 at Boothby Graffoe. The church is the third on this site, the first mentioned in Domesday in 1085, demolished by a hurricane in1666. The present neo gothic building dates from 1842.

This Parish is currently in vacancy
If you wish to make arrangements regarding a funeral or in an emergency situation, please contact Revd Lorna Brabin-Smith, the Rural Dean of Graffoe, telephone number 01522 794868.

For weddings, baptisms and all other enquiries please leave a message on the parish phone 07421 222120. Messages will be picked up on a regular basis.

Alternatively, you can email the Parish Administrator on the email address: [email protected]

Get in touch

What's on

Parish Bible Study

Monthly. Every First, Third, Fifth Monday at for 1 hour

All are welcome to attend the meetings of the Parish Bible Study Group. Please contact Helen or Mark Sims on 01522 810153 for further details

Coleby Church of England Primary School are looking for a Foundation Governor.