Facilities and features


We have an accessible toilet suitable for wheelchairs

Facilities are available in our accessible toilet

There is no rack but bicycles can be brought into the entrance to the church or left by the church wall at your own risk

Outside the church and around the village green

Wheelchair friendly

Not in church but on the outside of the Community Centre on Broad Lane

Level pathway to the church and then a ramp inside the main door

This is available throughout the church at all of our services

Large Print


If you require a gluten-free communion wafer, please let the vicar or warden know before the service

Our Building

Open daily for private prayer and to light a candle
10am-4pm winter months
10am-6pm summer months

Stained Glass

Coffee morning held Wednesdays 9.45-10.30am and on the 1st Saturday of each month 10am-12 noon

Listed Building

Next the church

Music and Worship

A few years ago we invested in an electronic church organ and we have 2 regular organists who play for our services

Our choir sings at all of our services

Groups, Courses and Activities

Meets alternate Sunday evenings at the Vicarage. Year 6 and upwards are welcome. See our Facebook page for dates and contact the Vicar for further details

These are held regularly, please contact the Vicar if you are interested

Held at 7pm Wednesdays at the Vicarage

Wednesdays 9.45-10.30am and 1st Saturday of each month 10am-11 noon

if you are interested, please contact the Vicar

Held in church on 4th Tuesday of each month at 2pm - new members and visitors are always welcome

Tots & Carers is not a church group but is held in the Village Hall each Tuesday and Thursday morning

Help for Visitors

These can be arranged upon request

There are leaflets available in the church giving the history of the building

Daily 10am-4pm in winter and 10am-6pm in summer

Other Features


Items can be left in the box in church for the Holbeach Community Larder

The churchyard is in the village conservation area and is regularly maintained by the Parish Council. A few volunteers also tend some of the flower and rose beds around the church.