Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Crowland Abbey
East Street Crowland, PE6 0EN, United Kingdom

This service includes a talk about the Bible readings for the day, hymns, and holy communion, followed by refreshments and an opportunity to make new friends.

Prayer Warriors

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Crowland Abbey
East Street Crowland, PE6 0EN, United Kingdom

An opportunity to come together to pray in this historic building. Prayer Warriors in an informal prayer group, open to all. Come to pray, outloud or in silence, or to ask for prayer. All are welcome.

All Age Service

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Crowland Abbey
East Street Crowland, PE6 0EN, United Kingdom

The service is a short service suitable for all ages, including children. There will be some hymns or songs, a short bible reading, prayers and a child-friendly address. Colouring materials are available, as are ribbons for waving during the hymns and sometimes musical instruments to play. All are welcome. Refreshments are available after the service.

Evening Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Crowland Abbey
East Street Crowland, PE6 0EN, United Kingdom

This service at 6pm in the evening includes a talk on the Bible, readings for the day and holy communion.

St Julian Prayer Meeting

Monthly. Every Second Monday at for 45 mins
Crowland Abbey
East Street Crowland, PE6 0EN, United Kingdom

Contemplative prayer with a time of silence.

Joint Service with Crowland Methodist Church @ the Methodist Church (10.30am)

Sunday 12 May 2024, Sunday 14 July 2024, Sunday 08 September 2024, Sunday 10 November 2024 at for 1 hour
Crowland Methodist Church
Crowland Methodist Church, Reform Street, Crowland, PE6 0AN, United Kingdom

Every Second Sunday of the month is a joint Service with Crowland Methodist Church. In January, March, May, July, September and November this service is held at 10.30am at the Methodist Church. There is no service at the Abbey on that day. In February, April, June, August, October and December this service is at Crowland Abbey, as usual at 11am.

Every other month

Holy Communion - Joint with the Methodist Church @ the Abbey (11am)

Sunday 14 April 2024, Sunday 09 June 2024, Sunday 11 August 2024, Sunday 13 October 2024, Sunday 08 December 2024 at for 1 hour
Crowland Abbey
East Street Crowland, PE6 0EN, United Kingdom

Every Second Sunday of the month is a joint Service with Crowland Methodist Church. In January, March, May, July, September and November this service is held at 10.30am at the Methodist Church. There is no service at the Abbey on that day. In February, April, June, August, October and December this service is at Crowland Abbey, as usual at 11am.

Every other month