The Jubilee Halls

Our hall manager is Debbie Armiger on 07914663078

We are very fortunate in having a large and small hall with kitchen facilities. They are available for hire for family occasions (children's birthday parties, baptism celebrations, wedding receptions) or group events. We welcome 'one-off' events and are also keen to develop a range of regular bookings.

The church hall has a large floodlit car park. The Halls are well worth a look if you think they might be just what you're looking for.

Large Hall
The large hall has a stage, a small kitchen and an excellent sprung wooden floor, suitable for dancing or exercise. There are 75 seats and 11 tables which can accommodate 8 people each.

Small Hall
The small hall is 'class-room' size, carpeted and suitable for meetings. It can accommodate up to 30 people.

A large kitchen is available for hire if you wish to serve tea or coffee. It is not suitable for food preparation. The hire charge is £7 per session.


There are separate ladies and gents toilets and an all access toilet.


For parties and one-off events

Large hall £22 per hour

Small hall £17 per hour

For clubs or activities (standard rate)

Large hall £17 per hour

Small hall £11 per hour

Concessionary rate

(e.g not-for-profit community groups, diocesan events)

Large hall £10 per hour

Small hall £8 per hour

In addition to the above charges a security bond is also charged: £50 for children's parties, £90 for adult groups. The charge is refunded when the Hall is left clean and tidy.

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