What's happening? 30 June to 7 July 2019

2019-06-30-Notices_bfNN01b.pdf Download

On Saturday, 29 June, our new curate, Aron Donaldson, will have been ordained into the Diaconate. We will welcome Revd Aron into the Corby Glen Benefice on 12 July, after he has been on an Officer Training Corps placement in Gibraltar.

On Sunday, 7 July, our existing four ALMs (authorised lay ministers) will be joined by David Porter, who will be newly authorised to serve as an ALM.

In other news, Revd Stephen would like to start a Benefice Choir to support our worship at joint services such as the Choral Evensong planned for later this year -- please contact Revd Stephen if you are interest.

For more details about these and more, please download the notice sheet attached to this news story.