Christmas Services & Events at West Deeping Church

for 2 hours
St Andrew The Apostle West Deeping
Church Lane West Deeping Peterborough, PE6 9HU, United Kingdom

On Saturday 14th December 4-6pm, we are having 'Mulled Wine and Carols by Candlelight' in West Deeping Church. We would like to encourage people to bring along a table decoration with a candle to light up the church. Everyone is invited to come and admire and vote for their favourite decoration whilst enjoying homemade mince pies, cookies and mulled wine including a non-alcoholic option. There will be a prize for the favourite decoration including one for children. The candles will then be lit as a backdrop for the West Deeping Handbell Ringers who will be performing followed by informal carol singing. It would be lovely if you could support this festive event. Donations gratefully received (there will be a card reader for electronic donations) shared between Sue Ryder (Thorpe Hall Hospice) and the church maintenance fund. Suggested donation £5 per person.

On Sunday 15th December starting at 11am, there will be an 'All-Age Nativity' family service in the church. Our bell ringers will be ringing from 10:30am to remind you to please come along to sing your favourite carols and see our nativity drama. We will be serving light refreshments after the service and the heating will be on!!

On Tuesday 24th December you are very welcome to come along to the 'Midnight in Bethlehem' Christmas Holy Communion service STARTING AT 9PM (midnight in Bethlehem!). Father Aran will be leading with carols accompanied by the Andy McCormack players. What better way to start Christmas. We look forward to seeing you.

Our next service will be in the New Year ... morning prayers on Sunday 12th January starting at 11am.

St Andrew The Apostle West Deeping

Welcome to St Andrew's church in West Deeping.

The next service in St Andrew’s Church, West Deeping, will be an All Age Nativity Service on Sunday 15th December; Music is led by Andy and the Worship Band, and the activity/talk is family friendly. 

The church is open during daylight hours every day so feel free to pop in.

ALL are VERY welcome!

We continue to have a weekly service of Holy Communion at 9:00am somewhere in the Uffington group of churches as well as an  increasing number of other services there is always an 11.00am Service of Holy Communion at St Michael & All Angels’, Uffington, except on the 15th December when Uffington will host a Carol Service and the fifth Sunday when it is an All Age Worship service with Holy Communion at 11am in West Deeping.

Please see Fr Aran's weekly update for alternative Church Services in the Uffington Group.  

Get in touch

Fr Aran Beesley

Rector of the Parish of St Andrew's West Deeping

Rector of The Uffington Group of Churches
07590 055905

Our website

What's on

Christmas Services & Events at West Deeping Church

for 2 hours
St Andrew The Apostle West Deeping
Church Lane West Deeping Peterborough, PE6 9HU, United Kingdom

On Saturday 14th December 4-6pm, we are having 'Mulled Wine and Carols by Candlelight' in West Deeping Church. We would like to encourage people to bring along a table decoration with a candle to light up the church. Everyone is invited to come and admire and vote for their favourite decoration whilst enjoying homemade mince pies, cookies and mulled wine including a non-alcoholic option. There will be a prize for the favourite decoration including one for children. The candles will then be lit as a backdrop for the West Deeping Handbell Ringers who will be performing followed by informal carol singing. It would be lovely if you could support this festive event. Donations gratefully received (there will be a card reader for electronic donations) shared between Sue Ryder (Thorpe Hall Hospice) and the church maintenance fund. Suggested donation £5 per person.

On Sunday 15th December starting at 11am, there will be an 'All-Age Nativity' family service in the church. Our bell ringers will be ringing from 10:30am to remind you to please come along to sing your favourite carols and see our nativity drama. We will be serving light refreshments after the service and the heating will be on!!

On Tuesday 24th December you are very welcome to come along to the 'Midnight in Bethlehem' Christmas Holy Communion service STARTING AT 9PM (midnight in Bethlehem!). Father Aran will be leading with carols accompanied by the Andy McCormack players. What better way to start Christmas. We look forward to seeing you.

Our next service will be in the New Year ... morning prayers on Sunday 12th January starting at 11am.