BCP Holy Communion at 9:00am

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Thomas of Canterbury Greatford
Main Street Greatford Stamford, PE9 4QA, United Kingdom

This service is a celebration of Holy Communion based on the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) 1662 and its traditional or archaic language may help us to put aside the pressures of our lives as we enter into a tradition that has sustained Christians in England since the 17th Century.

The solemn nature of the words and actions help us to connect with ancient traditions.
The Service is usually led by our Priest, Fr Aran Beesley and if you are visiting us for the first time, please introduce yourself to him at the end of the service, he will be delighted to chat with you.

If you are new to this style of worship or unfamiliar with the language, then let us put you at ease. We have tried to include sufficient instructions to help you take part in the service. Feel free to sit rather than standing or kneeling if this is more comfortable.

All who have been baptised in a Trinitarian church and who would normally receive communion are invited to receive at this church.
If you are not baptised, or if for any reason you do not wish to receive communion today, please come forward bringing this booklet, and you will be given an individual blessing.

However you join in, we pray that you sense the presence and love of God.

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All Age Service

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Thomas of Canterbury Greatford
Main Street Greatford Stamford, PE9 4QA, United Kingdom

Every Second Sunday at 9.00 am for an informal and family friendly All Age Service, including an activity and toys for children, led by Geoff Radley,
We sing well-known hymns and always offer refreshments afterwards. We are treated to an additional musical piece played on the organ by our regular organist Keith Fowley! Everyone welcome!