Related Churches
St Michael and All Angels Uffington
Thank you for taking an interest in the Church of St Michael and All Angels, Uffington.
The Next Service in this church will be our regular Holy Communion Service Every Sunday Morning at 11am, please stay after the service as we join together in fellowship for coffee, tea and biscuits!
All are Welcome!
'The Uffington Group of Churches is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people, vulnerable adults and all in our church community’.
For up to date information of ALL the Services taking place throughout the group please see the centre pages of Towers and Spires or FR ARAN'S Pew Sheet, you will be very welcome at ALL churches within our group.
If you know anyone who would like to receive this then let us know and we can add them to our list.
Thank you.
Fr Aran
Email. [email protected]
NB. As usual, please feel free to pass this message (and the attachments) to anyone you think might wish to receive it - requests to be added to the distribution list remain very welcome (but should be from the individual concerned for privacy and data protection reasons); conversely, should you no longer wish to receive this weekly communication please e-mail me accordingly.
St Andrew The Apostle West Deeping
Welcome to St Andrew's church in West Deeping.
The next service in St Andrew’s Church, West Deeping, will be an All Age Nativity Service on Sunday 15th December; Music is led by Andy and the Worship Band, and the activity/talk is family friendly.
The church is open during daylight hours every day so feel free to pop in.
ALL are VERY welcome!
We continue to have a weekly service of Holy Communion at 9:00am somewhere in the Uffington group of churches as well as an increasing number of other services there is always an 11.00am Service of Holy Communion at St Michael & All Angels’, Uffington, except on the 15th December when Uffington will host a Carol Service and the fifth Sunday when it is an All Age Worship service with Holy Communion at 11am in West Deeping.
Please see Fr Aran's weekly update for alternative Church Services in the Uffington Group.
St Margaret of Antioch Braceborough
Thank you for taking an interest in our church St Margaret of Antioch in Braceborough
The next regular service in our church dedicated to St Margaret of Antioch, Braceborough will be a service of HOLY COMMUNION AT 9am on Sunday 2nd February, 2025 when we celebrate the PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE (CANDLEMAS) - One of the Principal Feasts in the Christian year.
Robert will accompany us on the organ as we join together singing three well known hymns, please come along and join us, Fr Aran, Malcolm and the regular congregation of Braceborough will look forward to seeing you.
Open for Prayer All seven churches in the seven villages of the Uffington Group are open daily from 10.00am to 4pm.
Fr Aran continues to produce a pew sheet to help us keep informed of all the services in the group. If you know anyone who would like to receive this then let Fr Aran know and we can add them to our list.
Please also let us know of any prayer requests.
Fr Aran and the Ministry Team along with the wider congregations would like to pray for all of those in need, especially by name if you will allow us. We would also like to give thanks for all of the good news so please let me know if you’ve got a new job, or engaged and we can pray for those things too!
Take care and we hope to see you soon,
The Uffington Group of Churches is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people, vulnerable adults and all in our church community.
St Martin's Church, Barholm-with-Stowe
Dear Friends,
Thank you for taking an interest in the Church of St Martin of Tours, Barholm-with-Stowe.
Thank you to all those who came along to worship with us at our three services celebrating the Advent and Christmas Season throughout December.
As we are now in the season of Epiphany, Fr Aran will lead a service of Evening Prayer (BCP) at 6pm on Sunday February 2nd, 2025, when we celebrate the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) you will be warmly welcomed at the door by Tricia or Colin and given a simple Order of Service booklet and Hymn Book to follow.
We will follow Seasonal Scripture Readings from regular members of the congregation and join in the singing of well known, traditional hymns.
With love, and hope to see you soon,
St Lawrence of Rome Tallington
Thank you for taking an interest in our church, St Lawrence of Rome in Tallington.
The next service in Tallington church will be on Sunday 8th December, 2024, at 9am.
A Service of Holy Communion in Common Worship format.
You will be met at the door by the Churchwardens, Barry & Jane and given everything you need to join in with our service.
'The Uffington Group of Churches is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people, vulnerable adults and all in our church community’.
St Faith of Aquitaine Wilsthorpe
Thank you for taking an interest in our Church, dedicated to St Faith of Aquitaine, in Wilsthorpe
The regular service of Holy Communion will be held every third Sunday at 9am.
Please see THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE TOWERS & SPIRES which is updated monthly with up to date information on all services in the villages..
'The Uffington Group of Churches is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people, vulnerable adults and all in our church community’.
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