Facilities and features


Accessible toilet

Changing facility in the disabled toilet

Outside the church - free of charge

Wheelchair accessible

Outside the church - free of charge

Ramp suitable for self-propelled wheelchairs, not mobility scooters.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print orders of service and hymn books available.


Ramp available to access the nave. Church entrance is ground level.

Our Building

Victorian stained glass.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bells are rung most Sundays before the 1100 service.

Occasional basis.


Thursday 1000 Eucharist.

Robed choir. Abbey Consort augments the choir for the monthly Choral Evensong.

Groups, Courses and Activities

'Nibble and Natter' held in the church hall on the first Saturday of the month, 1000 - 1200.

As advertised - see our website and Facebook - Bourne Abbey Church Group

Meets monthly on Wednesdays.

Help for Visitors

Guide to the Abbey available at the rear of the church. Donation of £3 appreciated.

Daily c. 0845 - c. 1800.

Assistance dogs welcome.

Other Features

Collection point for the Bourne Foodbank.

The church is in the town's conservation area.

See the parish magazine, available to download from our website, for contact details.